Professional Activities
Early career editorial board member for Environmental Science and Technology (2022 January ~ present)
Associate editor for Water Research X (2022 January ~ present)
Associate editor for Journal of Material and Chemical Engineering (2017 September ~ present)
Editorial Board of Environment (2017 September ~ present)
Associate editor for Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (2013-2015)
Advisory Committee Member for Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society.
MTU CEE Department Graduate Research Committee
Conference organizer, session chair/co-chair
Committee member to organize the Borchardt conference at University of Michigan. 12/1/2022-5/31/2023.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting in Chicago, In honor of John Crittenden session in August, 2022.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting virtual, advanced oxidation process session in August, 2021.
Conference session chair at the 2020 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2020), advanced oxidation process and aquatic photochemistry session in December, 2021.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting in Boston, advanced oxidation process session in August, 2018.
Committee member to organize the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professional (AEESP) conference at the University of Michigan. 11/1/2016-6/30/2017.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting, advanced oxidation process session in August, 2017.
Committee member to organize the Borchardt conference at University of Michigan. 11/1/2016-3/22/2017.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting, advanced oxidation process session in March, 2016.
Workshop organizing committee for NSF FEW workshop, October 16-27, 2015.
Conference session co-chair and co-organizer at the ACS National Meeting, advanced oxidation process session in August, 2015.
Reviewed Panel
Drinking water standard guideline for toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes. Primary contractor for treatment technology section with Health Canada. 2013.
Peer Reviewed Journal Reviewer
Nature Communications
Accounts of Chemical Research
Environmental Science and Technology (approximately 15-20 manuscripts a year)
Environmental Science and Technology Letters (approximately 5 manuscripts a year)
ES&T Engineering
ES&T Water
Science of the Total Environment
Water Research
Water Research X
Journal of American Water Works Association
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Chemical Engineering Journal
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Water Science & Technology
Environmental Technology & Innovation
Chemistry Letters
Environmental Pollution
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
ACS Books
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Surface Innovations